CES Publication on Urban Sprawl

The publication titled Sprawl or Smart Growth collects the presentations of the four policy forums on Urban Sprawl held by the Center between February-May 2000. The book is published in Hungarian.

Ignacio San Martin, The Character of Urban Sprawl and its Indicators
Peter Schuchmann, Urban Sprawl in the Budapest Agglomeration Zone
Paula Blasier, Sprawl and the United States Experience. Who Cares?
András Lukács - Erzsebet Beliczay,  Driving Forces of Urban Sprawl in Hungary
Kenneth Aupperle, Smart Growth, Urban Sprawl, and Sustainable Development: Partnership Provide the Foundation
Sven Hunhammar, Sustainable Development - Energy and Transport Implications
Willem Salet, The Competitiveness of Cities in Europe
Ivan Tosics, Tools of Curbing Urban Sprawl: Economic, Legal and Institutional Approaches and Their Applicability in Hungary
Karl Alvarez, Brownfields. Economic Redevelopment Initiative
Hugo Priemus, Brownfield Redevelopment and Urban Policy in Western Europe; the Case of the Netherlands
Lajos Koszoru, States and Prospects of Brownfields in Budapest
Margit Kocsi, Urban Rehabilitation in Residential Areas

